project / Sentry, A Privacy App
course / Interaction Design
category / UX/UI Design
keywords / Trust, Encrypted, Elite
background /
The designer will develop a prototype app of their own choosing. Before designing they must complete a full thesis and research on their chosen topic. In addition all current steps in the industry are expected such as paper prototyping, wireframes, user testing, and more. In this way the designer learns not only how to design, but learns the inner workings of UX/UI. Interactive design is unique in this way as the designer pushes their creativity into a space that flows and changes.
approach /
One of the biggest issues we have tried to counter the past couple years has been online privacy. More are becoming aware how their data is being collected and stored for marketing and other services. While there is an established monopoly within the media, mainly owned by Facebook, users have limited places to look for online interactions that don’t compromise their privacy. I developed an app that helps users become aware of when their information is being used, and how to take control of their online information.

Design Elements